I love plants ( I have about 20 ) but this is my very first Orchid and I have NO knowledge of them. It was a gift. Ok, so here is the info.
Im in Michigan. The plant is by a southern window with semi transparent panels (my other low/med light no direct sun plants do awesome here). The directions it came with said 3 ice cubes a week. It HAD buds on it, about 4. Those all fell off after a week. The moss or whatever that is is dry before I put new ice cubes. Two smaller leaves under the large ones turned yellow and fell off. And the crown (Im assuming from my knowledge of strawberries) is getting dried up, crispy, and gray. And the roots are green, and a couple are dead. Heres the pics. Sorry if they are blurry, camera phone.
Last edited by Christypie; 03-09-2009 at 01:28 PM..
Reason: wrong picture code used the first time