I got this phal 2 weeks ago it is blooming and was a nice lime green with firm leaves when brought home. I put it in a west window and noticed the color was getting greener and leaves less firm. I put it in an east window for a day and it has continued to droop more.
The planting medium on top is dry but beneath still moist.
I have not changed the planting soil so I believe this is due to not enough light. I have a light stand I could put her in but I have 8 phals now that are blooming and
some are fine within the same window and some are getting droopy and greener. These plants are are in the family room/sun room area. Most of their light is from the west.
I have the following items on order or in posession.
for my grow room
Light meter
Grow stand with 2 levels of 5,000 k X (4) (each level) bulbs.
I have not taken out to look at roots as I do not think it is the problem. How would you go about the process of elimination here to be the least disruptive to the blooms.
Help please, already dealing with dying momma and 3 keikis I am trying to root under the light.