I bought this flask a few weeks ago - Renanthera Citrina. It had a few white hairy growths on the roots, which a friend said were just hair roots . I know my place is a little warmer than where they were before and there seems to be more of them. The are not spreading quickly at all, and only on the roots, but I am concerned they are a fungus or mildew - not hair roots Can anyone tell me if I have something to worry about here...
No, not at all contaminated.... I just counted my flasks and i have 7 flasks that look the same as yours, although they aren't the same variety.
They look like johnny walker bottles to me lol
No, not at all contaminated.... I just counted my flasks and i have 7 flasks that look the same as yours, although they aren't the same variety.
They look like johnny walker bottles to me lol
Johnny is popular here in Thailand
Thanks, I was beginning to freak out as I have searched ages for Renanthera Citrina. I guess my warmer conditions have prompted more growth.
It has been rather warm in the past few days..... Like i was sweating buckets today in my shade house. 36 degrees and in my shade house i had about 85% humidity
Well hopefully when I return to Australia at the end of the year the less than lovely people at AQIS (Australian Quarantine dept) dont get it wrong as to what the fuzzy growth on the roots is. My apartment is aircond to 25c , maybe I need it cooler.
I guess it would be.. It has been a while since I got across the river. My plants currently are beside a window but I am working on an aircooled growing case with lights for a few plants I want to propagate and the flasks I have.