Hey, I'm new here! I was very happy to have found this forum because I need an urgent advise. I have a sick cattleya, and I'm afraid it doesn't have much time left. I'm trying to show pics, not sure it will work.
I thought of fungus or bacteria and therated it with a cemical for that once but it spread even faster afterwards. First I tried cutting the dead parts off but now I could throw away the whole plant!

It's a kind of brown-black rotting on the leaves, and now it's turning the bulbs as well black. I really don't know what to do with it, it's been only 2 weeks since I got it, and it looked green and healthy. I keep it in a bright, sunny place but it doesn't look like sunburn to me. Pls somebody help me!
This is how it started:

And now it looks like this: