Hello.. Im hoping someone can help me with ID of this nasty looking spot.
I just got this Onc. "Sherry Baby" not to long ago on a trip home to Hawaii. It was shipped back to Oregon for me and I have had it in my house since.
I think this spot was present when I bought it but I didnt think anything of it (the plant has lots of freckles). It has since grown and it looks nastier and nastier every day. Im pretty sure Im going to have to chop the leaf off but wanted to post a picture first and see if there were any other less radical ways to treat it first.
The plant is in the middle of flowering right now and the leaf in question is on one of the older pseudobulbs.
I have included a picture of the spot and a picture of some odd looking "freckles" ?? at the base of the leaf with the spot on it.. Let me know if more info will help.
thanks all.