Hey Rob or anyone else who might know,
I found a snail trail looking thing on the top of my tub today and got ambitious so I threw what I saw at the end of it under the scope (I could see it on my finger after pulling it off of the glass but it was a very small speck). I wasn't sure if it was a baby slug or not but I'm fairly sure it's not now. Here are some pics.
I'm not sure what kind of mite it is (or if it's something else) but I'd guess this is my main problem. I'm seeing similar trails in my other plant tank as well as tiny dots on one of my other plants that isn't in a tank.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Originally Posted by littlefrog
You might have managed the rare trick of too much humidity... The leaves might be rotting. The white dots could have been fungus? Try leaving the lid cracked a bit and sprinkling some cinnamon on them.
I doubt you have spider mites, they don't like high humidity. In a sealed terrarium I don't know where other pests would come from. Isopropyl alcohol is my first line of defense though. And the CO2 treatment is nice, but it won't get the slug eggs. You might have to do it a few times. I prefer 'sluggit' slug bait. It is perfectly frog safe, I have put it in tanks with frogs and absolutely no effect. It is iron phosphate.
I agree with Ross though. They go through phases. Winter is a time of year when you see some dead or dying leaves no matter how much you baby them. Perhaps because you are babying them...
EDIT: They aren't by any chance in a cooler spot, perhaps a slightly chilly basement or bottom shelf on the greenhouse? I've noticed in the last few weeks that the jewels on the lowest shelf in the greenhouse look like hell, I think they are getting too cold.