Last March, a friend of mine bought a Zygo in bloom at a show. While she loves the blooms, neither she nor her husband are known for their plant care abilities. (There are times the plants only get watered because I'm visiting. LOL)
Well a few weeks back they gave the plant to me to try and rescue. Most of the pbs had turned brown and soft so I cut them out. Unfortunately or fortunately, for the plant, I haven't had the time to do more than that and give it a drizzle of water once a week.
The sections of the roots -- about 1 inch (2.5cm) worth -- immediately extending from the pb area are shriveled but after that point are white and very firm/crisp -- they'd rival a stalk of celery for crisp snappiness. There is some signs of new green growth (though not root growth) at one end where the only 2 ?healthy? pbs are -- one of which is very undeveloped so perhaps was an attempt at a spike? (never grown a Zygo before). Much to my surprise there are now 2 new growths at the opposite end. They actually look like they arose from the roots themselves and not a pb, though I'm sure there must have been a pb node down there somewhere. The roots had filled the 4" pot and are very tightly packed.
So now the Qs:
Should I just repot the lil bugger as is?
Should I attempt to divide it -- though I fear the 2 brand new growths would get snapped off?
How best to divide it, if that is what is necessary, without completely destroying the roots? (They seem like they would snap all too easily)
Hey Paul..... Interesting to see a question like this from you..... Doesn't appear to be much left other than the new growth and what's left of older stuff and some good roots, so I'd just repot and watch things grow!!!!
Last edited by BikerDoc5968; 11-22-2008 at 03:52 PM..