Hi Sue! I think I will take your advice and pick up some regular Listerine.
Ross, I don't have any Vodka on hand, I am a rum drinker....lol....but next time I am stocking up on the adult beverages I'll be sure to grab a cheap bottle and give that a try on the mold as well if it comes back.
K.C., I know we traded seedlings, but I wasn't implying I got the mold from you, you silly!
I know Ross doesn't think it is the fertilizer, but if it doesn't come back and I tossed the remaining, I am ruling that as the cause...lol. The timing just seems to be too perfect. I am going to start sterilizing the sink before using it. I was reading my Formula 409 bottle and it said it is an antibacterial and to disinfect let it sit on the surface for 10 minutes. I'll give it a try before using the sink...I buy the stuff bulk from Costco anyways.