Aahhhh! I found a mealy bug on my Aerangis luteo-alba var. rhodosticta project plant! I am still trying to figure out how it got there.....it is the only one I have found and I don't see any signs on the other 'chids and have been eyeballing them closely! I know there has to be more somewhere, it isn't possible for just one! I sprayed with GardenSafe Insecticidal Spray...went back later and found the same little bugger in the same spot all fuzzy and fluffy looking and I thought I had got him so I wipped him off with an alcohol dipped q-tip.
Now how the heck did this dude make it into my small orchidarium? Only one thing I can think of....the orchid sitter said she had been battling them off and on in her Greenhouse....but that was the end of August....why haven't I seen any until now, a month later?