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Old 09-28-2008, 02:30 PM
Jkelee Jkelee is offline
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Thank you Paul, for that great bacon idea!! That will be my next job!
I snapped in/pinched in a piece of ratt pioson on that tab in the trap. Then I made a yummy batch of Peanut Butter/poison appetizer I put that on the top of the tab, and they have to work at the other piece that's jammed in there, and SNAP!! Of it goes I hope!!

I thought if they're gonna eat for free, as they did last night, and not even set the trap, they get a little treat in their P/B!! I took someone's idea of sticking a sunflower seed in the tab, so they have to work at it, tugging, pulling. Not just that gentle little toung licking, that doesn't set it off. Only I've got the piece of poison/PB tight in there.

I also got 2 sticky traps, if they think they are too smart for the traps. I put a bit of PB/poison appetizer in the middle of the sticky traps too, just so they can eat while 'hangin' out'.

If they beat me again tonight, the Bacon will come!!

Thanks everyone!! I will keep you all posted!

Last edited by Jkelee; 09-28-2008 at 02:32 PM..
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Old 09-28-2008, 03:21 PM
Ross Ross is offline
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Peanut butter works just fine in the trap. You just missed one thing. You have to tie a loop of thread (sewing thread) through the little hoop in the trap shutter. Gob this thread with the peanut butter and down onto the shutter. I guarantee it! Rats and mice are second only to squirels. They're all rodents. Some in trees and some in orchids. They're only good for target practice. By the way, a Crossman 22 cal air gun costs less than most decent orchids! A can of 22 pellets is really cheap. If you can't do it, perhaps hubby can?
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Old 09-28-2008, 05:27 PM
Jkelee Jkelee is offline
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Ross, Why can't they lick the PB away, just like last night? Why is that tread going to stop the PB from being sweeped away by that little pukey toung?? Without setting off that trap I might add

As for the gun idears everyone... I'm going to be ready, believe me!! I just hate to set camp in my backyard all night, with a flashlight and a gun, waiting and ready to blow everything away that comes near my Chids!!

But, for all the suggestions, where's the cheapest/best place to get me a new toy, that will make me stay up all night, and make them hurt?!

I picked up every last piece of my eating/broken chids on the ground just now. So I'm going to know if they've been back, and killed more!! And defeat me again!! Plus get off free and clear!! Then it's war!!!
I've got 5 rat traps set, and 2 sticky traps, within my 3 sections of fence in my Chid Hotel, 24ft long.

I let you all know on Monday morning!! I'll be out there @ 5:00 am, with my flashlight, checking all 7 traps!! Hell maybe tonight even before bed!!!! I'll be sooooo anxious!! My neighbor told me I don't have to wait long, just after dusk! She said they see the ratt's run on they're fence across the street, just after dusk.

Puh-weeeeeze wish me luck on my hunting endevor here!! My babies don't deserve this!! They been such good girls and boys out there!! And sooooo happy, till now

Last edited by Jkelee; 09-28-2008 at 05:31 PM..
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Old 09-28-2008, 05:31 PM
Ross Ross is offline
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Originally Posted by Jkelee View Post
Ross, Why can't they lick the PB away, just like last night? Why is that tread going to stop the PB from being sweeped away by that little pukey toung?? Without setting off that trap I might add
Trust me, it works! They lick the peanut butter then get their teeth caught in the thread. You need to get the thread really intertwinded in the peanut butter for this to work. I use it on mice and I get 100% action. I don't think it matters whether crunchy or not.
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Old 09-28-2008, 05:34 PM
Jkelee Jkelee is offline
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Ok Ross, will do! I understand now!! Teethies- got ya!! I will try that tom'r, as I don't want to reset all 5 of those traps, a pain in the arse! Scary too!! I wanna keep my fingers!
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Old 09-29-2008, 07:54 AM
Jkelee Jkelee is offline
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Ok, well I went out there last night, 11:00pm-nothing has changed, nor been eating. All the same as I left it. I went back out at 5:00am-nothing changed still.

Then my husband went out at 7:00am, and all traps set off, all PB/Posion appetizer eaten off of traps, but nothing in them!?
I don't get HOW they can clean 5 traps off, set them off, and be that quick to get the hell outta the way!?!?
And they were lucky to not step on the sticky traps too!

I guess tonight, I'm going THREAD!! Thanks Ross!!
I will also throw some Mr. Cowboy's- bacon 1/2 cooked wraped in there too!!

I can't believe they got me again!
But at least this time, I'll get them-in time! With my little PB/poison treat that they ever so gently licked off
Maybe they'll have a little tummy ache today

Oh, and they were sooooo busy having their snacks, no time to chew up on my Chids!! Not one leaf on the ground at any of the times I checked, nor when when my husband did!! Hopefully that remains!!

I'll let you know how the thread goes!
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Old 09-29-2008, 09:47 AM
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If they are showing up between 5 and 7 am I would be waiting hidden at least you would see what is doing it . Gin
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Old 09-29-2008, 09:37 PM
Jkelee Jkelee is offline
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I just got DONE putting on thread! Well, actually I used fishing line, that way it won't break. But boy what a pain that was! I have 5 of them to do. And I have the traps nailed to the fence, lying flat where the run. Which is nearly 6' tall, which I'm not! But after over 1 hr of wrapping and knotting, I hope to hell I get something tonight/morning!! As after today, the got me Again!! Tonight when I got home, sooooo many where cleaned off, and not even set off?! They are some smart little MoFo's!!!

Thanks for all the advise everyone!!
I'll let you know how the Threading goes...
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Old 09-30-2008, 07:21 AM
Jkelee Jkelee is offline
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Default I CAUGHT EM'!!

HOLY SHOOT!!!! I just went out there and FINALLY GOT SOMETHING!!! 2 RATS ACTUALLY!!!!
Now maybe my chids can GROW!!
Instead of getting eaten and broken, and torn to hell every night!!!
I'm not giving up! I'm not taking my traps away until I see no more damage done to my babies for a LONG LONG TIME!!
There could be a few of them, by the looks of the damage I would wake up to every day for the last couple of weeks!!

Thanks for the Help and idears!! And Prayers!!
My Chids Thank you all too!!
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Old 09-30-2008, 07:49 AM
cowboy51278 cowboy51278 is offline
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