Help! Sick Dendrobium Junceum...
The Den Junceum I have is rather sick now, the canes are wrinkled, soft and feel hollow, and the grass-like leaves have all dried up. The stalk (looks like what a spike would look like on other dens but terete leaves are growing out of it instead) that comes out of the top of the cane is also dry and brown.
Here's the question, should I cut the dried stalk/spike off the canes to conserve any energy it might have left? The dendrobium junceum only has one stalk/spike on top of each cane and both leaves and flowers have to come out of this. In a healthy plant, it can grow branches for addtional leaves and flowers. It grows right out of the tip of the cane so once it is cut, it won't grow another one, but maybe it could grow a branch out of the cute spike and continue on that way?
At this point, I don't think there is anything I can do to save the existing canes. But I will keep my fingers crossed for a keiki and will continue to spray the roots in case one pops up. I'm tempted to cut off the talk/spike since the leaves are already dead, the canes are wilted, and it will be easier to manage without crisp branches sticking out everywhere.
What should I do??