Yeah i can second (or third) that the problem is the beetle in that first photo, not the red things.
In Australia we have a similar thing we call a Dendrobium Beetle, it's a nasty pest that not only eats flowers, but will also destroy new shoots in second flat. The only pesticide available for them is something that kills chewing insects. Here we use Carbaryl. Carbaryl is very toxic and to be used sparingly, but its just about the only pesticide that works.
The (Dendrobium) Beetles lay tiny yellow capsule shaped eggs at the base of new growths and in the roots, which are hard to get rid of.
The most effective way to get rid of them is to go out at night (when they are out) with a torch, knock them into a cup (they fall instinctively when disturbed) and then kill them. If the nightly patrols don't work, the Carbaryl might. Use it mainly on growing flower buds and new shoots.