Adding Fungicides to My Orchid Maintenance
I need some help with adding a fungicide to my orchid regiment.
Recent outbreak of black rot tells me that I need to add a systemic fungicide to my orchid maintenance program to stop future outbreaks. On and off, I have experienced this fungus taking a new shoot or leaf at random and on a one-plant scale but this past month I have had to deal with a large, multi-plant outbreak.
From other postings on this board and info gathered elsewhere, I have decided to add a dose of THIOMYL Systemic Fungicide to my orchid maintenance program. I THINK I need to mix this in a pump sprayer (diluted per the label) and spray it MONTHLY on each plant and potting mix. This should be done right AFTER watering the plants. Am I going in the right direction so far? Can / should I spray the fungicide like this?
If my thinking up to now is good, I have a few questions I have not been able to find answers to yet:
1) How long should I spray each plant?
2) Should I also spray with a topical fungicide like Physan?
3) If yes on the topical, can I mix it with the systemic to spray at the same time? Does this change dilution any if I mix them?
4) I have this fungus problem mostly during our rainy season. Should I still spray during the “off” months?
Any feedback/guidance is appreciated.