Miltassia Shelob shriveling bulbs
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Miltassia Shelob shriveling bulbs
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Old 08-24-2008, 12:44 AM
Gold3nku5h Gold3nku5h is offline
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Default Miltassia Shelob shriveling bulbs

I bought an orchid at a local wild oats, and some of the bulbs are shriveling. The one that blommed is nice and plump looking. Another larger bulb is shriveled and may or may not have flowered recently. Does this mean it is dying, or is just a sign of age? Some other bulbs are smaller and also shriveled, does this mean it may be underwatered? I try and keep it evenly moist all the time, and am about to start fertilizing it pretty soon. I bought some shultz orchid food because i couldn't find any dyna-gro, or dyna-bloom. At the flower shop that i work at, they have an oncidium and its flowered on a shriveled bulb. Other than that my plant looks really healthy, Being visually unappealing, it makes me think its in less than perfect health. Is there anything i should do or look out for to help it? I am about to divide the plant after the flowers drop, there are 10 total ranging from seedling, to flowering size. Also, should these be somewhat crowded in their pot, or could i pot them on a piece of driftwood/cork bark?
Thanks for helping all, i really like to read what you have to say, Aaron

Last edited by Gold3nku5h; 08-24-2008 at 12:47 AM..
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Old 08-24-2008, 02:44 AM
masda masda is offline
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Shriveling bulbs normally means not enough water, the ideal treatment is to repot them in fresh media that is damp, not dry bark potting mix which will shed all the water as fast as it is applied, it's best to soak bark for at least a week befor using. Wrap them in damp spaghnum moss and remove any dead roots keep the moss damp not wet. Good luck.
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Old 08-24-2008, 11:33 AM
Gold3nku5h Gold3nku5h is offline
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if it is in flower, is it ok to do that now?* i was going to wait, untill after they put seeds on, but i read that can be anywhere from a month two about 9, with it being miltassia i think it was near 3 but i am not for sure.* Do you know where i may be able to read about this? also it is selfed so i guess i wouldn't mind loosing the seeds as it is the first orchid i've owned and arn't too attached to trying to germinate some seeds.* Would pine bark, and cypress bark be fine potting mediums, supplemented with granite particles and some charcoal, also i was going to add some osmocote, but im not sure they will need that.
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Old 08-24-2008, 03:14 PM
masda masda is offline
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Wait until it has ended flowering then repot, pine bark is all I use, charcoal is a potash so only use little as a sweetener, put the granite in the bottom of the pot to act as a weight. Polinating a seed pod will take up to 6 or more months and should only be done on a healthy plant, you have to do the polinating yourself and it is simple to do but you would need to learn how to do it first. There are plenty of books available on growing orchids and you would most likely fine the knowledge here at the orchidboard or google it. Good luck.
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Old 08-24-2008, 08:23 PM
Gold3nku5h Gold3nku5h is offline
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I've already pollinated it, i accidently snapped the top most flower off, and after examining it, looks like it was drying out, another pollinated flower looks like its on its way to drying, and the third looks like it may be swelling up to produce seeds, but im not sure. Thanks for the ok to use PINE bark, because thats just about all i can find besides cypress. I will repot and let you guys know how it goes after a while.
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Old 08-25-2008, 06:51 PM
D&S Mabel D&S Mabel is offline
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I grow my plants outside and I find that when I buy plants in bloom from any of the larger stores around us (Home Depots or Lowe's, etc.) most of the time the plant is filled with way too much spaghnum moss. I guess this keeps them moist through shipping and the basic watering neglect they get at the store but it also means they get too much water when you get them home and follow basic instructions for watering. Overwatering kills the roots and leads to shiveled bulbs and declining plants as well.

You didn't say what type of orchid you bought but be careful that you don't divide your plant into too many small plants as new growths use the older, shiveled bulbs for nourishment.
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Old 08-26-2008, 10:15 AM
Gold3nku5h Gold3nku5h is offline
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I bought a Miltassia Shelob 'Red Spider' and its in straight fir bark.* I cut the spike off yesterday as all the pollinated flowers were wilting, and the stem to the flower was drying out (meaning it wasn't going to produce seeds?)* Anyways, in 2 days im going to get some new media to use at a local hydroponic store because i get payed tomorrow, and they will be open when im off school and work.* So till then.* But i am worried about root rot, because they have seemed to have sufficient watering before and after my care.
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bulbs, flowered, pot, shriveled, shriveling, shelob, miltassia

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