This is the only Catt I have with this coloration. This particular one is also dehydrated from loss of roots from overwatering this winter. It is coming back with new roots and p bulbs. The white spots on the leaves is NOT scale, it is little nicks. Any input would be appreciated.
Hi. i have some catts that have a reddish tinge also. i believe nothing is wrong with it but reserve my opinion until the heavyweights weigh in. Sometimes high levels of light cause redness too. hope i'm not leading you astray! good luck!
I would agree that sunburn or too much direct light may be the cause. It does not appear to be viral, but then one can't tell that from just looking at the plant, typically.
More info as to what direction the window that the plant is pictured by faces, supplemental light, etc. would also be helpful in making the diagnosis.