ear wig control?
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Old 07-30-2008, 06:52 PM
missann missann is offline
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ear wig control?
Default ear wig control?

Hi I am new to posting here, and I didn't make any intro, so this is it, but back to the subject-earwigs, gross.
I have these climbing up my greenhouse sometimes and they get all over the deck. I don't think they eat the plants, but I hate them because they are disgusting and they move fast. Anyway here is what I have found does and does not work.
Bayer rose and something spray does not work
Bayer 3 in one that is really just neem oil does not work
Malathion kills them in about 10 minutes, but it smells really toxic and I worry about residues getting on my dog.

Is there anything that kills these little S.O.B.s without killing my dog as well? I also have some bait, but it is in a small flaky form that my dog always seems to want to eat, so I took it out of the greenhouse after 10 min of her trying to get in there.

My greenhouse is one of those small ones that is 6 feet high, 4 feet wide, and 2 feet deep. It is on my deck, and the cover of it zips up, but I have it open when I water, and it is very easy for my dog to sneak over to it and stick her head in there to see what there is to get into. She is very sneaky and is always getting stuff behind my back, so I really don't want to have a lot of toxic chemicals around for her to possibly get into. SOrry this post is so long. Thanks for any help you guys can give me.
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Old 07-31-2008, 01:14 AM
dave b dave b is offline
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Welcome to the board. There is a lot of stuff on the web, search under the heading earwig control. I get them at times and usually find them in my pots from outside orchids when i bring them in for the winter. i submerse the pots water, and see what crawls out. They do drown, and ive killed them using safer soap, and a soap water / alcohol mix. They come out in force at night. Perhaps trying some night attacks with soap water / alcohol spray to start. I add a bit of dish soap to a 1/2 gallon or so or water, and add about a half bottle of alcohol. Using a pump sprayer, you can cover an area pretty quick, and its non-toxic. I think you could do the same with the safer insecticidal soap.
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Old 07-31-2008, 11:01 AM
Chubidubi Chubidubi is offline
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missann to the board.
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bayer, dog, feet, greenhouse, toxic, control, wig, ear

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