I have 3 orchids, and I just repotted them and got rid of fungus gnats...but now on 2 of them the flowers, wilted, i guess would be the correct word, and the other one has brown dots on the leaves....what's going on?!
Last edited by Melissa8705; 07-05-2008 at 07:53 PM..
Some older leaves will get dark spots on them, sometimes causes; water damage, fungus, bacteria, etc. You can use Physan 20 or Copper Fungacide to spray on the leaves (mix & use according to manufacturers instructions).
There can be several things that affect the flowers and cause them to wilt. I have had issues before when I moved the plant while it was in spike and the buds just shriveled up. I have also had flowers look wilty then turn papery thin then eventually just fall off due to spider mites. There are probably lots of other reasons too. Can you give more desription...did you change watering, move them at all, change your fertilizing schedule, etc.?
The only thing that happened was i moved them outside for a little while because of the fungus nats then i took themout of the pots and saw a lot of the roots were black so i cut them off and then repotted them with new stuff. Everything was fine for a couple of days and then i noticed all of this stuff, they were never there before. I'm so sorry to keeps asking for help but how do i resize pictures?