I obtained this plant (Pokai) mid-March; at the time I didn't realize that it was showing some signs of root rot (dark mushy looking roots) and had ignored it because it didn't seem like it was harming the plant. But of course now the plant doesn't seem to be doing so well and I think it's got root rot, but I'm not sure because of where the dying tissue seems to be located. The plant is also growing roots that are healthy. Therefore, I would like to know if it really is root rot, and if the plant is salvageable, because the flowers at the orchid show were quite beautiful.
On the second plant, marked "Den. Dawn Maree x tobaense," some discolored whitish areas have appeared on the bottom of the leaves. They don't seem to be web-like substances though, they just look discolored. The third of the images provided of this plant show the top of the leaf (which is shown in pic 2). Shine of flash, not sure you can see it, but the leaf itself is sort of mottled with a lighter shade of green on the surface. This plant is currently in bloom, and it was also obtained in March. What's wrong with it?