thanks gin. Check these out, perhaps they'll clarify the situation.
Here are the pictures. I understand everything looks a bit wet but it's because I've just watered haha.
This is what the leaf looks like now.
This is what the old one looks like one of the others. I've noticed this "bleaching" of the leaves is only happening on one plant to this extent. And then I realised that this is the plant that I had a bit of an accident with a month or so ago. When I was repotting, the roots weren't of good health on any of my paphs as back then I didn't know much about their culture. However while repotting one of the growths broke, and it may have been the new growth that broke, which you can see in the 3rd pic.
so I just put some rooting gel on the broken growth and put it back into the medium, and it hasn't shown signs on dieing, so I'm assuming it's still alive and hopefully started to make roots. Could this be what's causing problems?
The medium has been changed on all 3 of them, but only this one is reacting like this, the others are happily growing away and having plenty of new growth.
Now I'm starting to think this is less to do with any virus, but more to do with my growing conditions. This mottled leaf one here. This is one of the old leaves on one side. Not looking good! that black marks made me think it's too much sun so have moved it into a shadier position.
When it arrived the yellow leaf was starting to become yellow anyway. However it's not improved in health under my care, only gotten worse. Should I remove this leaf?
Again new growth on this plant seems to be fine as well.
These 2 are of my zygopetalum. This one seems to have black streaks on it...but again the new growth seems very clean and lush.
This now seems to be the average humidity around my plants....even when I come home in the evening.
Hope this helps you guys to help me!