I can't understand why you guys are putting anything other than the plant, into the bag all you are doing is adding a source of possible contamination . Also as far as I know physan has a half life of just a few days and is of no use after that . I find it far better to use one of the wetable powder fungicides which stays active far longer
The method I use is to take a new clear plastic bag spray the inside of the bag with the fungicide mixture . Then throughly drench the orchid in fungicide,and place it into the bag , tying the opening closed so that nothing can get in or out . There is usually about 6 mm of fungicide /water in the bottom of the bag and I find that there is no problem if the plant rests in this water. Every now and then I will shake the bag so that the bag and the plant are covered in fungicide again, just to make sure. I have always had a very good success rate using this method
Last edited by Des; 06-14-2008 at 05:03 PM..