The apple slice thing is an interesting idea. Im in a never ending battle with slugs and snails (which are mollusks and not crustaceans! sorry, I had to mention that!
) because I grow outside with trees and bushes as my 'shadehouse.' You should know that most slug bait is not designed to kill your pests, but rather immobilize them in the open for a few days so they dry out. After using the stuff, they seem to leave an especially large slime trail which you can follow, collect the culprits and dispose of the evil creatures whichever way you see fit. If you do not collect them and they dont dry out, they will regain mobility and continue snacking on your plants. I also just started putting used coffee grounds around my plants on the ground. I guess the caffiene causes an overload in their little hearts
and they go off to the great slug paradise in the sky. Apples, slugbait and coffee grounds. Hopefully now I can get the edge in on these slimy little devils!!