a,thanks for the thoughts and efforts, yea I kept aquarium fish myself over twenty years, I would at times go out by lake Worth N. of Ft. Worth and take a little 4” net ant scoope up black m. larvae from the wet lands out there. I had another place by out s.e. Of town close to the clearfork of the trinity river, found an intermident pond and discovered a hatching of freshwater napalli ( almost like brine shrimp) Boy did I cleanup that day for live food. The little pond was about 30 ft. Long by 10 ft. and the swarm was about 5-6 inches wide circleing the whole pond parimeter.
Birds have a habit of passing eggs from those type of organizims from place to place. Boy its an additive hobby, almost as bad (strong) an attraction as orchids.
See how I dwell on about it,sorry.:evil
Waterdog out!
Tiny house dweller
Last edited by Waterdog111; 02-27-2025 at 10:59 AM..