Phalaenopsis with green spots and streaks on leaves
I've had this phal for about three years now, and it has not grown any new leaves at all. The only thing it seems to want to do it bloom (new stalk is currently coming out). I have noticed this emerald pattern on the leaves and wonder if it is diseased in any way?
If it's flowering it can't be too unhappy. It will grow new leaves when conditions are proper. What are your growing conditions? Temperatures day/night, humidity? Phals. grow very much faster when they are kept very warm and humid. In typical home environments they may make 1-3 leaves per year.
How long has that pattern been present? It could represent different growing conditions though time as the leaf grew out - seasonal variation in temperature, humidity and light.
Are you fertilizing? Patchy chlorophyll distribution can be caused by deficiencies in nitrogen and magnesium.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.