Hi everyone i have had this Prosthechea cochleata (clam orchid)

for about a year now. It initially had some black spots on the leaf probably fungus so I sprayed it for a month and the plant was fine.
It bloomed about 6 months ago, I left the stem without the flowers until about a week ago when it started to turn yellow (the stem had been green al year). After that the two leaves it had started to yellow and fell and now the bulb has this huge brown/black spots that have white specks that have a weird pattern. The bulb also wrinkled a little same as some of the other bulbs, so I'm pretty sure im not over watering.(I only water once a week or sometimes once every 2 weeks if the medium is still wet)
At the same time this is happening the orchid started sprouted a new bulb.
Should I treat it with anti fungal or simply cut it off so it doesn't take energy from the new growth?
Thanks in advance!