Dendrobium Hancockii seedlings with yellow leaf tips
I de-flasked some dendrobium hancockii 6 months ago and they’ve always looked like this to varying degrees. Yellow tips that sometimes yellow the whole leaf. But always new growth coming. It Any ideas would be so appreciated! Btw, I’m new to this forum. An orchid lover out of New Orleans
I don' t know if some of that leaf drop may be seasonal - Den hancockii is deciduous but I don't know how seedlings might behave. I am sure that others, with more knowledge of the species and how babies might differ from mature plants, will jump in.
I don't grow this species. That pattern of leaf dieback is classic for underwatering of thin-leafed orchids. Dendrobium seedlings that tiny should not dry completely during the growing season. The medium I see is completely dry. Seedlings need to be kept more moist than adult plants, and Dens. should never go dry when making new growth.
Although this group of orchids is accustomed to a dryish winter, and is partly deciduous, tiny seedlings cannot tolerate being completely dry for the winter. I would continue watering it regularly, and try to keep the leaves on it through the winter. It should begin growing when days lengthen and it warms up in Spring.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.