I purchased this Howeara Lava Burst at the San Francisco Orchid show in Feb.
New to orchids beyond phalenopsis. I have no idea what is wrong, or what to do. Typical pest and disease spray has not taken care of it. Anyone have an idea of what it is and what to do? It isn’t stopping it from blooming!
Once a leaf is damaged, the damage will stay even if you remove the perpetrator. The photo is pretty small. But it could even be sunburn. Time for close observation... if it doesn't get worse, then not a problem, the plant will eventually shed the leaf, Don't cut, the leaf is still green and contributing to the plant. Let Nature do her thing. If it starts to spread to other leaves, then there will be concern, with a better photo, there are lots of experienced growers on the Board who cn advise.
It’s not snails. They are in my dinning room on my walls. But good thought. I really think it’s a disease or fungus.heres another photo from July. Attachment 168438
The roundness of the pale areas kind of make me think sucking pest? Thrips maybe? Thrips damage can look quite varied sometimes. Have you seen any little black flies around? They would be even smaller than fruit flies or fungus gnats - sometimes very hard to spot unless you disturb them. And then the larvae who crawl around damaging your leaves are very hard to see.