missy--mouse |
05-21-2008 09:37 AM |
i visited with an orchid grower that knows what she is doing, she told me to get green light spray for fruit trees, which i have ordered, found it on amazon.com, the place where they sell books, it is concentrate and you mix it with water, she said to put it in your water when you water the orchids and it takes care of the nymphs, i also being desperate bought a gnat dip to take care of the ones in the dirt but you can do this with the green light junk too, my problem stemmed from that fact that i am a novice and just learning about orchids although i have a lot of them, when i got them i repotted all of them in miracle grow for orchids, that was perfect medium for these darn gnats, so now i am the process of repotting everything in small lava rock and long fiber spaghnum moss, i soak both the rocks and moss in water for about an hour, put a few rocks in the bottom, wrap the moss around the base of the plant, put it on top of the rocks and then fill in around the sides with rock, covering the top of the moss, i didnt want to get six months down the road and have my plants worse off than they were, she told me to regularly treat my plants by putting a fungicide in the water to keep fungus and other things away, so that is what i am doing also, orchids are complicated and i am learning fast, but oh how beautiful they are, glad to have helped, happy orchiding to you-----lol, donna