Need Advice - Should I try to save this Bellina Splendid X Surprise?
I have had this Hauserman orchid for 2 years. It bloomed beautifully one year ago. After that blooming I suffered an infestation of flat (false) mites that destroyed several Bellinas. This one survived, but suffered severe leaf damage. Her foliage is terribly ugly and I am tempted to toss her out, BUT BUT her blooms are beautiful and are fragrant! She has many healthy aerial roots; not sure about roots in pot b/c it is opaque. Question: Should I cut the bloom spikes & repot in an effort to save her, or should I just let her be and see what happens, or should I toss her rather than see her slow demise? All advice is appreciated.
Many Blessings,
realoldbeachbum (ROBB)