I am considering planting milkweed (Asclepias californica) in my patio in Los Angeles where I'm creating a little pollinator area. This is used by moths and butterflies, where they lay their eggs. Are caterpillars likely to jump from one plant to another?
I have several orchids outside, but the only ones that concern me are my terrestrials, like Thelymitra, Ophrys, Stenoglottis... these are difficult and expensive to find, and also take some work to grow, their tiny size and grass-like structure makes them very easy to be destroyed by a slug or caterpillar. I keep them on a raised table with the legs covered in copper tape to keep slugs away, the table isn't touching any wall and is about a foot away from the closest plant.
Any other precautions? Should I just not risk it with the milkweed?
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