My mini mark has had this weird patch forever, do we think its a virus?
Ive owned this plant for about two years almost and its given me great blooms and has another flower spike. The patch has always been at the underside of the leaves and perhaps it may be getting bigger but hard to tell.
Is this normal or is this a the virus everyone on the internet claims mini marks have?
The only way to accurately diagnose a virus is to test. If you went to see if a spot like that is getting larger, draw round it with a Sharpie. The eye is much better at seeing relative distances than absolute ones.
When you say that this has been on the undersides of the leaves, does that mean all the leaves including new oness? When damage occurs to a leaf, it doesn't go away.
Likely some mechanical damage or pest bite, that happened some time ago. Not likely to be a virus indicator. Such things fo not go away. Do use the "Sharpie" trick to evaluate whether it is spreading.
Thanks Roberta, Im not too concerned unless it deteriorates in health. My orchids have some weird marks on them all and i try not to worry too much its already been a year. Will at least try not to mix the pot I use to soak it in water with others.