Potential black rot? Need ID help
I have this cute compact cattleya that have been in bloom for quite some time now. It had started to grow a new psudobulb and it looked great 2 days ago when I watered it. It had the dried paper sheath on the outside and I didn't poke at it too much so didn't notice anything then. Well, I was checking them out tonight and I noticed the entire growth was bent over. I wondered if I broke it somehow so I pulled the plant out to investigate. The psuedobulb was squishy and I pulled the dried stuff off of it and low and behold, it was rotten. I cut back on the pseudobulb but I don't know if I cut back enough. I also am unsure what exactly it is. The picture makes the ring in the rhizome look purple but I was looking under some pretty bright light and it's pretty black. Any thoughts on what it is? How To proceed? Thanks!!!!