Some of you may remember from a couple weeks back I made a post regarding a mold infestation in the leaves of my orchids. I tackled it and it seemed to go away for about two weeks. Until four days ago I noticed an old foe peek its head again in my beautiful orchid babies leaves. I unfortunately did not act accordingly in my first battle with the mold and it has now claimed another leaf and the bottom of my last leaf...

<-- mostly for my Orchid as I have failed it :/.
But, to inspire some hope, I have done my due diligence this time. How you may ask? Well, let me tell you of my courageous battle against the mold!
I first started with wearing multiple latex gloves that I sterilized with 71% Isopropyl Alcohol. Upon making sure my tools where adequate for the battle I dove headfirst into battle. I begun with conservatively and carefully spreading with my fingers a diluted mixture of distilled water and Jacks Copper Fungicide to every single inch and centimeter of my beautiful baby Orchid.
Although, my Orchid may look a little worse for ware currently, I can promise everyone on this board it will rebound and come back as strong as ever.
I hope my tale enlightened a couple of ya'll to always stay attentive to the issues at hand and always be pre-emptive, as sometimes the signs don't hit you till they're right in your face. So help me God if the mold comes back I will not be playing nice and I have something much worse in store if it does