Hello everyone, I am dealing with some type of mold on my Epidendrum floribundum (although now I think it was mislabeled by the seller and is a little different kind).
I got it like 3 month ago, it was potted in bark chips medium mixed with little bit of sphagnum moss and I just left it like that and put it on the east facing window. I watered it once a week, when the substrate was already becoming quite dry.
Then after a month or so, I saw some mold developing on the top of the substrate and later on the roots of the orchid. It looked something like this
Google Image Result for https://i.stack.imgur.com/EiWB9.jpg. So I took the orchid out, cut some roots that seemed to be dead, used hydrogen peroxide to get rid of the mold on the roots and repotted it in brand new bark chips again mixed with little bit of sphagnum moss. It was looking good, one flower bloomed and other two buds were getting ready to bloom, when the mold struck again.
So I took it out again, repeated the same process, and ended up with the same result again. Now I took it out for the last time and killed the mold with hydrogen peroxide, but I think there must be something else wrong for the mold to develop over and over again. I have already cut most of the roots - they seem to be dying but not sure if because of root rot or maybe the peroxide. I didn't cut some of the dead roots completely, as seen in the photos, because they still are quite sturdy even though they seem dead or rotting (and because I would need to cut healthy roots to make space for cutting the dead ones completely). Other roots are quite dried up, since I am afraid if I watered them I would get the mold again. The photos below depict the orchid as it looks now.
Can you please give me advice on what I could do to save the orchid? I also though about getting rid of all the roots but I am a beginner grower and don't want to do anything too radical whithout an advice. Many thanks