What are these black "scabs" on my toshie aoki cattleya?
Hi All,
I'm Lauryl and new here. I am a beginner orchid enthusiast and grateful to be here.
This was my first orchid purchase I got off Etsy. She came to me with withering wrinkled leaves and inevitably, root rot. I have her in leca because she was very rotted and I didn't want to encourage any dead material or bacteria left behind to start to decay. I think I remember one or two of these black spots on her be fore I repotted. But since the repot, everything has gotten better, except these lesions! They have multiplied and look like the raised black bumps are bleeding into the orchid's green flesh. I also included pictures of a black spot that was on one of the leaves when i got her (same leaf as affected psuedobulb) because the spot has gotten significantly worse in the 3 months i have had her.Anyone who has knowledge of this or experience in this, I would be so grateful for your help!