New Dendrobium Leaf Spotting -- Worrisome?
Hi everyone. Can you please help? I'm trying to decide if this is merely stress from travel to new home or if something's wrong.
I received a dendrobium bracteosum x tanii last week via FedEx. Plant looked fine and no visible issues and/or critters. I set it in a windowsill with good air flow after watering and left it for a few days while I was out. I returned home and found spotting on two leaves, which I removed. See pics.
Plant is in windowsill with a west-facing opaque window. With the seemingly immediate switch in my area from spring chill to summer heart, there was some bright light coming through. Humidity in the room is around 40%. Plant condition is overgrown and needing to be repotted. Grower is reputable. No other affected plants.
I am hoping this is just some stress from travel/new environment. I also have a den. tanii which got a few dark spots on its leaves after travel to a show.
I'm believing this species tends to get stressed, but I'm not sure. I don't want to treat if it's not necessary, but I'm not sure what I'm looking at.
Thank you!