I think that's just the damage that tends to happen to Sobralia leaves in shipping. They really do not like the process of bare-rooting that has to be done to ship these internationally. They hate to dry out - which happens when they are removed from media. My suggestion - pot it in very water-retentive media (small bark or sphagnum) and water well, keep damp. And hope. (My success rate on those imported Sobralias is much worse than for most other genera, but I have had some that did recover and develop into great plants.)
Since this isn't a very recent acquisition... you might also check for spider mites, which love thin-leaved plants and can cause damage that looks like that. (Examine the underside of the leaves with a hand lens, they are tiny)
Last edited by Roberta; 05-15-2023 at 05:29 PM..