Welcome with your first post!
If you've been keeping it alive like that for six months, you could just mount it. Roots are roots, whether in the air, attached to a mount, or potted in a medium suitable for orchids. But they best adapt when first growing.
If you really want it in a pot, I would just put your potting medium of preference into the pot, set it down on top of the medium, and brace it with a couple of skewers or chopsticks. as new roots develop, train them down toward the medium. You might be able to get that one shortest growing root on the left into the medium. I'd be leery of attempting to get the older ones pointed into the medium. Even by soaking for awhile, it's sure easy to snap off a root bending it that much.
Personally I'd mount it. If you've never grown a mounted plant before, read through the thread
Growing on Mounts here: