Hi everyone,
It has only recently come to my attention regarding orchid viruses, and after looking through my collection I was wondering if this Masdevallia could have signs of infection.
Some of the damage like the leaf tip necrosis comes from my figuring out how to take care of it over the past year and a half, but it has seen excellent conditions over the last 6 months since moving it into my climate-controlled terrarium. I still cannot ascertain if the new leaves that have grown since the move are discolored in the patchiness you see because of adjustment or something else. Yet I have also read that signs of viral infection tend to appear during times of stress, so it could very well be so.
The only thing that keeps me from thinking that it is not viral but rather cultural is that it has flowered wonderfully for me non-stop with no deformation or discoloration over the past 6 months. Each flower opened up perfectly and has not shown any color streaks that I am aware of, at least. If it needs to be trashed though, oh well...