I had a question that I hope someone can answer for me: One of my phal leaves has odd scarring- it looks like a type of black fungus but no black! So, I was wondering if someone could help me identify the problem and a solution. Thanks!
I want to cut it off... but I read another post for cattleyas about burned leaves and not cutting them off because the leaf still needs the underside or something of that nature. thanks.
*sigh* never mind, the pics aren't turning out so well. If it were thrips, how would I stop it/them? It looks like the new leaf is starting to have it also.
Did you by any chance clean the leaves lately? The reason I ask is that I received a phal about a month ago. In about two or three days time the leaves looked similar to yours; I sent an email and pics to the vendor, who advised me that every now and then some leaves react to the leaf cleaner they use, and the orchid will be okay, and they sent me a replacement plant as well.
not really, but i did spray hydrogen peroxide when i repotted- which i have since taken out of the media because i was afraid that there might have been bugs (false spider mites). But i feel better now because if it might have been that, then i know that it will be okay
The way mine began was with one leaf, then spread to two other leaves - quite a bit of cellular damage. I know it seems strange, but the leaves on it are looking better, although I can still see the cellular damage. I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I've been watering weekly with bloom buster and adding epsom salts to the fertilize. Probably not!
Did you check the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves with a magnifier? If you see small orange-red dots (that can move), then you may have false spider mites, or phalaenopsis mites. Another test is dampen a white tissue with rubbing alcohol, rub the leaf, and look for creatures on the tissue. It really does look as if something is sucking the life from the leaves. Hope I'm wrong, and that you have isolated this plant,