Looks to me like it might be damage from too cold a temperature. I've had similar looking leaves on some of my phals and finally concluded that I'm letting the temperature drop too low in winter. Now I try to not let it go below 60 deg. These leaves just gradually get worse until they drop off but hopefully the new leaves will be fine.
I sprayed the plant off and soaked it with insecticidal soap (dried off). tim, I am noticing the same thing that the bumps are now dark and dry, but the rest of the leaf is fine. i think I may have killed them. Thanks for the tip jeanne, I will keep the alcohol and tissue in mind for the future and yup, i definitely isolated this bad boy. Thanks for the advice, everyone!
It looks like a fungus problem. Information can be found at Phal problems
I just found this today while doing some searching myself.
Hope this helps.
know this is a long shot, but could it be simply patchy sunburn? After slight burning you get necrotic looking tissue...maybe it just didn't die in a uniform patch, hence the bubblyness?
Just an update: i drenched the phal after I removed it from the pot. i think it was contaminated media. i sprayed it all over with insecticidal soap (I had not yet read the thread about alcohol ) and have separated it from the rest. so far, the infected area has dried up, but has not spread. Like Tim's, I can still see the cellular damage . So far, the plant seems fine now. Thanks for all of your advice, guys! I appreciate it.