I have a reoccurring mold problem amongst my plants. I have a small collection of orchids as well as some other houseplants. I have a few phals, a Dendrobium, paphs, and Tolumnia.
I currently live in a student house and there tends to be a lot of mold in areas, that no one has been able to get rid off.
I have also noticed mold showing up in almost ever single one of my plants, and I'm not sure if I should be worried or what to do.
I initially had the theory that perhaps the bark that I bought have some kind of mold spores, however it probably is from the house. The bark is usually where the mold is noticed first.
Could this pose an issue for the plants?
What can I do to sort this out?
Is the humidity in your house very high? Usually mold in houses requires wet or humid conditions.
I would assume so, I haven't checked I don't have a hygrometer.
Ive tried to combat it, leave windows open, fans, all sorts of things but it doesn't seem to help.
What else can I do? Will this effect the plants?