I'm seeing reddish/purplish tinting on my Schoenorchis, Sophronitis and Trisetella, some yellowing in many plants in the top 1/3 of my vivarium, and some general decline in some species as evidenced by some premature leaf drop/decay vs. new leaves.
I started tweaking the light intensity from 95% to 70% to see if excess light is causing the discoloration and/or general weakening of the plants over time (maybe too much light = too stressful), despite good flowering seen so far. I am holding fertilization, temp and watering fixed while I do this so as to try to isolate factors, but I suspect some of my problems are affected by multiple factors?
Any suggestions/advice, general or specific? Thanks in advance!
Background (vivarium pic attached):
After years of research and slow building/acquiring, I've been keeping a wide variety of mini/micro orchids, ferns, epiphytes, etc. for a little less than a year now in a dedicated 12x12x18" viv, and I'd like to start getting more serious about fine tuning the growth parameters like light, fertilization, temperature, etc. to help keep everything growing well and optimal. I did try to select only species that have a similar temperature and humidity requirement while allowing light and air movement requirements to vary because I believed I could provide variations in those two via purposeful placement of each plant. I have gotten many of them of different growth profiles to flower over the last 3 months; so I believe they're relatively happy, but given some general weakening, early leaf drop and/or varied pitting/scarring/discoloration in the leaves with a good number of the specimens, I still have some work to do. Some plants are mounted, some are "potted" in the hardscape with ample drainage (hidden holes) and media that suit their requirements.
- Light is on at 95%
- Small 5V fan provides a range of moderate to minimal air flow throughout based on positioning of fan, hardscape dynamics and plant positioning
- Thorough hand spray the plants liberally once daily (may skip once or twice a week depending on if the upper plants look too wet)
- Fertilization with 20-30% of recommended concentration for orchids (using Better Gro, Orchids Plus)
- Enclosure is ZooMed type with venting in front, bottom and rear, upper corner (small opening in rear to keep humidity high)
- Temp evening lows 65-68F and daytime highs 74-76F
- Humidity 60-80%
Thanks in advance for your time!