Need advise saving this phal
Hello OB!
I need some advise to save this Phalaenopsis Mituo King Bellina. This one was growing great in 3'' pot in moss until it got mold in late October.
Repotted it in a mix of repotme phal medium, cut some root affected and dead. It grew mold again around thanksgiving on different root.
Repotted it again, thought it was still too wet so repotted it in pure LECA. Treated it with physan 20, and with hydrogen peroxide once or twice as prevention.
With the moss I water it twice a week, fertilize 3 per month with 1/4 tsp in a gallon of water. With LECA I water it every 2 days.
I grow them inside in central CA with a bunch of other phals, cattleyas and other plants. Humidity ranges from 50-65% in side, temperature nowadays is around 68F at night, and 72-75F during the day.
Here's how it looks like right now, roots doesn't look so good. It looks sad as I pulled it out today.
I need some advise what to keep this one alive. Should I still treat it with physan or hydrogen peroxide? Should I change media? Should I try rooting hormones?
Last edited by jellycat; 12-13-2021 at 08:27 PM..