Originally Posted by Ray
They are quite effective on mosquitos and are apparently quite innocuous to other critters. I too, have heard they are great for ridding your pots of fungus gnats, but recommend avoiding that.
Fungus gnats are present because there is fungus for their larvae to eat. Fungus grows on decomposing organic tissue, such as potting media components. Their presence indicates you have a problem with your potting medium, so they are something like the canary in the coal mine. Would killing the canary mean "all is well"?
I am not sure I totally agree, with that Ray. I am certainly no mycologist, but there are certain fungi that are chemotrophic and could probably obtain their nourishment from the fertilizer used for the orchids. I haven't the slightest idea if these fungi might be present in a potting mix that is not breaking down or, if so, would attract fungus gnats. I do know that fungus gnats can be a pain in the posterior in the green house and can't even guess what a pain they might be in one's home. Anyway, I've been known to kill the canary once of twice in my life time. Yum! Delicious!!!