K so my Catt was doing apparently fine since the infection. It was in october I think when I had to cut all the infected tissue and spray it with hydrogen peroxide. Ever since I saw no activity but shriveling... So I try to not let it be dry for way too long (which I think is not bad, since it's on a dormant period). He had this markings on the underside of the leaves, this sort of darker spots all throughout the leaf, but no damage appeared. Then suddenly I see this yellowing leaf (at most it took two days, though maybe less since I check on them almost daily), and the markings on the underside became very distinct.
Do you think I can cut the bulb, say, at the middle, or should I cut it all the way through? Mind you, this isn't a backbulb, so it cannot be just the age. Plant has six canes, and this is number 3 (assuming number 1 is the youngest cane). I guess I'll also spray it with peroxide again just to play it safe.
Thanks in advance,