Originally Posted by estación seca
Welcome to the Orchid Board.
That looks...bacterial. Go to the Web page of the St Augustine Orchid Society and look on the page for diseases.
I agree, estación seca, that looks bacterial, and Shadeflower's diagnosis, erwinia, would agree. There are no good treatments for bacteria, once it is in the plant. The best course of action is usually to amputate the diseased areas, just as Shadeflower suggests.
There are translucent-looking areas spreading on some of the leaves. The translucent areas plus a bit more should be removed, in my opinion, to prevent the infection from getting into the bulbs.
That said, it isn't unusual for Stanhopea (for example) to get black spots similar to these on the leaves. When this occurs, it is often due to under-watering with water (or a pot) that has a high content of dissolved solids (such as hard water, softened water, or fertilizer). I'm wondering if that may be the underlying cause.
Diagnosing and treating diseases isn't my forte, so perhaps you or Shadeflower could comment further.