Cattleya, Wild Willie Bingo - holes & cut leaves
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Cattleya, Wild Willie Bingo - holes & cut leaves
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Old 09-06-2021, 12:59 PM
raisinbrann raisinbrann is offline
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Cattleya, Wild Willie Bingo - holes &amp; cut leaves
Default Cattleya, Wild Willie Bingo - holes & cut leaves

First post to this board.

New growth on Wild Willie Bingo Cattleya has light green spots or lesions that turn brown and become holes in leaf. New central shoots are damaged - cut.

Older leaves appear unaffected, except the tip of one old leaf appeared to have a mild of Bacterial Brown Spot - Acidovorax with 4-6 round spots. I cut the leaf tip off.

I don't have a clue what this is. Other orchids in my collection appear unaffected. I transplanted this orchid into semi-hydroponics and the roots appeared healthy.
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Cattleya, Wild Willie Bingo - holes &amp; cut leaves-cattleya-wild-willy-1-jpg   Cattleya, Wild Willie Bingo - holes &amp; cut leaves-cattleya-wild-willy-2-jpg  

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Old 09-06-2021, 04:25 PM
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Cattleya, Wild Willie Bingo - holes &amp; cut leaves Female

First, Welcome!

Certainly an attack by a chewing pest. Whatever it is, probably fairly small (part of the damage looks like it chewed the surface cuticle off the leaf) That this affected a tender new leaf (the tough older ones weren't chewed) also indicates something fairly small but quite persistent.

Where do you live? Is the plant growing outside? (That might give some of our members additional insight, if it happened to their own plants)
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Old 09-06-2021, 05:17 PM
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Cattleya, Wild Willie Bingo - holes &amp; cut leaves Male

Starts light green and translucent, progresses to brown, then the brown part falls away leaving the hole as the last part of the damage.

I see the spots don't enlarge past the original damage. I see the lesions on the leaf you showed are somewhat symmetric across the leaf fold. The larger in each pair of lesions is on the right side of the leaf in the photo. Could you have set the plant on something hot while you were transplanting it, and the leaf was burned where it touched the surface? Or could it have been put into a spot with more sun than usual?

I also noticed the leaf is wrinkled, like the plant hasn't been getting enough water for quite some time. Are your other plants wrinkled like that? Probably not; I see good looking roots out of focus in the background. New shoots in Cattleyas are famous for dying if the plant doesn't get enough water, or if they lack calcium. Was the plant actively making new roots when you put it into S/H?
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Old 09-06-2021, 10:50 PM
raisinbrann raisinbrann is offline
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Cattleya, Wild Willie Bingo - holes &amp; cut leaves

First, Welcome!

Thank you!

Where do you live?

Charlotte, NC

Is the plant growing outside?

Plant is indoors, in an east facing window.

The damage shoot (leaf) is new since I purchased plant in March of this year. Plant is sending up new pseudo-bulb, so it's very healthy and appears happy. Just don't know what the issue is with the new leaves emerging from the plant - they appear with lesions and holes.

I can provide additional photos if necessary.

---------- Post added at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:43 PM ----------

[QUOTE=estación seca;966806] Starts light green and translucent, progresses to brown, then the brown part falls away leaving the hole as the last part of the damage.

Yes, correct assessment.

Could you have set the plant on something hot while you were transplanting it, and the leaf was burned where it touched the surface?


Or could it have been put into a spot with more sun than usual?


I also noticed the leaf is wrinkled, like the plant hasn't been getting enough water for quite some time.

[I]Plant is adequately hydrated.[/I]

Are your other plants wrinkled like that?


Probably not; I see good looking roots out of focus in the background.

Those roots are a different plant, a Phal, which is healthy.

New shoots in Cattleyas are famous for dying if the plant doesn't get enough water, or if they lack calcium. Was the plant actively making new roots when you put it into S/H?

Yes, roots are healthy. Problem appears only on the new leaf growth. Old leaves are unaffected.

Last edited by raisinbrann; 09-07-2021 at 12:39 AM..
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Old 09-06-2021, 11:19 PM
Shadeflower Shadeflower is offline

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Cattleya, Wild Willie Bingo - holes &amp; cut leaves

I like your answers, straight to the point
I would have tipped on the same as the others but what about the whole leaf tip being cut off? I don't think any insect could be responsible for such a stright even cut, that is very mysterious.

So I will add one last tedious question. Was it dropped at some point?

I'd start by soaking the whole pot in some water with a drop of washing up liquid added. Let it soak for 5 mins and this will drown any pest living in the pot. If you have some insecticidal spray designed for houseplants, roses etc it would be wise to use that too.

That might solve the problem and no need to worry about the cut leaf although it is a bit of mystery how straight it is. Like someone was sleep walking with some scissors in their hands. Just one possible explanation without suspecting aliens being involved.
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Old 09-06-2021, 11:26 PM
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Cattleya, Wild Willie Bingo - holes &amp; cut leaves Female

The OP did mention cutting the leaf tip, So no aliens... it's the other damage to the leaf that is the issue. No answers here, only questions.
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Old 09-06-2021, 11:39 PM
Shadeflower Shadeflower is offline

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Cattleya, Wild Willie Bingo - holes &amp; cut leaves

ah ok I thought damaged - cut meant it mysteriously happeded not: got damaged so I cut it.

I think aliens could still be a factor. Little alien spaceships shooting holes into this one but I think that is my queue to go to sleep as I am starting to talk rubbish. Sry no answers here either.
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Old 09-06-2021, 11:42 PM
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Cattleya, Wild Willie Bingo - holes &amp; cut leaves Male

Because of the symmetric nature of the damage I think it was a mechanical problem of some sort that isn't likely to be repeated. I would continue to care for the plant and watch it. Think about calcium. If the plant had adequate water when the newest shoot died calcium deficiency is a possibility.
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Old 09-07-2021, 12:16 AM
raisinbrann raisinbrann is offline
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Cattleya, Wild Willie Bingo - holes &amp; cut leaves


I like your answers, straight to the point
I would have tipped on the same as the others but what about the whole leaf tip being cut off?

One older leaf (not pictured) had a few small black spots, possibly bacterial brown spot (Acidovorax), but I cut that tip off as a precaution. This not the primary purpose of my original post, just informative.

I don't think any insect could be responsible for such a straight even cut, that is very mysterious.

Yes, the leaf with the square or straight cut on top (pictured) is due to the lesion-hole issue... I didn't cut that leaf, the tip just fell off. ?

So I will add one last tedious question. Was it dropped at some point?

No Sir, not dropped

I'd start by soaking the whole pot in some water with a drop of washing up liquid added. Let it soak for 5 mins and this will drown any pest living in the pot. If you have some insecticidal spray designed for houseplants, roses etc. it would be wise to use that too.

Plant was in all sphagnum moss. I moved to S/H with 1" of the old sphagnum moss on top of leca pebbles. Plant has been sprayed with Neem oil.

That might solve the problem and no need to worry about the cut leaf although it is a bit of mystery how straight it is.

I'm trying to figure it out....

Like someone was sleep walking with some scissors in their hands. Just one possible explanation without suspecting aliens being involved.

---------- Post added at 11:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 PM ----------

I think aliens could still be a factor. Little alien spaceships shooting holes into this one but I think that is my queue to go to sleep as I am starting to talk rubbish. Sry no answers here either.

---------- Post added at 11:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 PM ----------

estación seca

Because of the symmetric nature of the damage I think it was a mechanical problem of some sort that isn't likely to be repeated.

Sounds logical and I wish you where correct....but the issue has been getting worse the past two weeks. More lesions and holes. Hence why I posted.

I would continue to care for the plant and watch it. Think about calcium. If the plant had adequate water when the newest shoot died calcium deficiency is a possibility.

I'll need to investigate calcium - haven't heard that response before.

I'm on well water, with a neutral pH (7.0). I have a 75 GPD RO system that I use to water my orchids with and haven't had issues in the past. I do add Miracle Grow fertilizer to the RO water when I water the orchids every 7-10 days (an 8 minute soak).

Last edited by raisinbrann; 09-07-2021 at 12:20 AM..
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Old 09-07-2021, 12:17 AM
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Cattleya, Wild Willie Bingo - holes &amp; cut leaves Male

This damage happened back when this leaf was just a small shoot. When the shoot was young something took a bite out of side of the shoot. The new shoot has the leaf rolled up inside of itself. And when the pest took a bite, it was out of several folds of the leaf. Kind of like when you make snowflakes out of paper. Some kind of chewing pest; caterpillars, grasshoppers, or mice or even lizards can leave this kind of mark. Also when you transplanted it could you of hit the new shoot with something that damaged it on the side. But being that you said it was inside, then probably snails or a slugs. They can bring infection with them, as they chew on the leaf. The outer leaf was eaten though. The inter leaf rolls suffered the infection from the injury. Giving it that repeated pattern.
The leaf will probably not be effected any more by this. The leaf will just be unsightly for a few years until it drops off after it is replaced by new leaves.
There are snail and slug baits that are effective, or you can use the old beer in the plate to trap/drown them.
Good luck with this and Welcome to the forum!
And what cool name for a cattleya

Last edited by Selmo; 09-07-2021 at 12:21 AM..
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cut, leaf, spots, tip, unaffected

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