Miltassia - sickness???
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Old 04-27-2008, 05:25 PM
TheNewGuy TheNewGuy is offline

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Miltassia - sickness??? Male

I wonder if the problem is that it isn't getting warm enough, because it is still pretty cold, which is unusual for this time of year, and the temps rarely get above 70 where I have it...

It's in a 4.5 in pot right now (I repotted it about a month ago) how much bigger should I go?

I've got the humidity around 85-90% but I'm wondering with the cold air, it's a bad combination.

It's located in a south-facing window, so yes a lot of light, but then again, it's been almost constantly overcast for the past MONTH!!!

Oh, and what's KLN?
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Old 04-30-2008, 08:07 AM
gmdiaz gmdiaz is offline
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But how low are the temps getting at night?

Chilly temps , high humidity and low light is not sooo good for this one that likes very bright, indirect light and intermediate to warm temps.

Do you have a thermometer/hygrometer? I got mine at PetsMart. I really use mine. I really like to be able to monitor the high/low temps.

Your potting looks good but I'll take a picture of one of mine today at work to show you one with similar type growth that seems to love it's plastic pot. The pot I am using seems heavier and sort of grounds the plant. . .and at the same time, really lets a lot of air and light in for the roots. Yours looks a little top heavy in there to my eyes.

But really I think you're on the right track. . .

KLN stimulates new roots to grow. I am seeing some really good results from using it along with the MSU fertilizer. You can get both at First Rays.

I've been mixing in a capful of the KLN to a gallon of reverse osmosis water. And I add about half the suggested amount of MSU fertilizer too. I pour the whole gallon in a bucket and let the unpotted, bare root plant soak in it for about ten minutes. And the repot.

Then for just watering the plants, I am using only a little bit of the KLN (a few drops) and keep the MSU fertilizer about the same.

Last edited by gmdiaz; 04-30-2008 at 08:09 AM..
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Old 04-30-2008, 11:52 AM
TheNewGuy TheNewGuy is offline

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Miltassia - sickness??? Male

I've got both a thermometer and a hygrometer, but I haven't really checked the temps at night, I'll be sure to do that tonight.

I bought the MSU fertilizer a while ago and I just bought some KLN, so that should be ariving here soon.

I really need an orchidarium, but that's gonna have to wait. In the mean time, however, what would you suggest I do to raise the temp around the plant?
It's hard because I live in an old house built in like 1912 (I'm still with my parents), and it's kinda leaky, air flow wise; also, the heating system isn't the best so I'm not sure what I need to do to regulate the temperatures better.

Maybe I need to get some phals and paphs instead, lol

Thanks much for tolorating a newbies questions!!!!

EDIT: I'm getting more worried. There's this whole pseudobulb that is going bad now!!!!!!! And it really sucks because it had two new growths on it!!!!! Should I just take it out of the pot and cut away the bad parts right now, or would it be better just to wait for the KLN to get here?

Last edited by TheNewGuy; 04-30-2008 at 12:09 PM..
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Old 05-01-2008, 10:26 PM
gmdiaz gmdiaz is offline
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Here are the pictures as promised:

Oncidium Twinkle. . .a la grocery store, in its aircone pot.

You can see how it's sort of seated in there, solid looking, balanced but has lots of good drainage and air flow? Mine uses a lot of water. . .maybe two or three good gully washers per week, when it's warm and sunny.

A couple of suggestions: take your thermometer & hygrometer around the house and see if you can find a better location.

Buy a grow light and keep the light nearby. . .warms the temps up too.

Do you have an old aquarium? You can sit the plant down in the bottom. . .that will keep it warmer and a little more humid too.

I would wait for the KLN. Make your trims if the bad spots are looking rotten, dust the cuts with regular cinnamon and put it a nice warm, diffused bright spot, water with the MSU and KLN. Wait patiently. lol
Attached Thumbnails
Miltassia - sickness???-twinkle-jpg   Miltassia - sickness???-twinkle_2-jpg  

Last edited by gmdiaz; 05-01-2008 at 10:33 PM..
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Old 05-02-2008, 04:56 PM
TheNewGuy TheNewGuy is offline

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Miltassia - sickness??? Male

I guess I never really thought about checking the rest of the house for warm spots hehe, *smacks himself in the head* Heat is probably the biggest concern right now. Well, brightness too, because I don't have many windows to work from. Where would you suggest I get the grow light from? Would they have one at Home Depot?

I repotted it, yesterday. I soaked the medium in MSU, so hopefully that will help. I soaked the roots in the MSU KLN, just like ya told me (I'm such an obedient person, hehe).

The spot that I was talking about, the one that went bad, well I understood why. The new growth was coming out of the base of a pseudobulb that was healthy, but THAT one was growing on a leafless pseudobulb. I think that the energy on that one was just spent, and unfortunately it took the new stuff with it. Ah well.
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Old 05-02-2008, 05:26 PM
Ross Ross is offline
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I haven't followed this thread closely but have a few suggestions. First Don't swet the small stuff. I'm sure it isn't going to kick up it's heels and die overnight Next, temperature is surely not a factor. These can take really cool (like low 50s) temps. You might want to get more light. Here's what I did with my setup in a south window

I got my bulbs at 2 to 200 Watt Compact Fluorescent Bulbs : The Light Bulb Superstore. I use the 65 watt "full spectrum" and the 105 watt "full spectrum" bulbs. They work great. The setup is a standard 12 foot 14 guage extension cord with clip on socket from Home Depot. Hope this gives you some inspiration to do your thing.
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Old 05-05-2008, 01:37 AM
TheNewGuy TheNewGuy is offline

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Miltassia - sickness??? Male

YAY!!!!!! It's finally warmed up here, and it's supposed to stay that way for a while. Now I can finally get accurate readings!!!!! You know what would be helpful, and I don't remember if I've asked this before, but what are the growing specs for this plant?

I'm proud of myself because I got the book Orchids for Dummies and now I'm all learned up!!!! I've figured out that my orchids that I've got are all right for where I live, but I could have probably chosen something a little more suitable like a paph or maybe a phal. But that's all right, cuz these ones are all right too.
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