I'm looking for How-To info on using "big guns" insecticides acephate, imidacloprid) with orchids in S/H. I've picked up a few mealy bugs that I am spot-treating with Q-tips and alcohol, and I would rather not use those other poisons, but if I had to go that route how would I do it? My orchids are about to go outside for the summer and I anticipate they will pick up some hitch-hikers before I bring them back inside. Thanks!
I doubt acephate is labeled for use inside a home. It's a powerful nerve toxin. I wouldn't use it within 2-4 weeks of bringing plants into the house.
I have - so far - always been able to eliminate mealy bug and scale brought in with new plants with a combination of 70% alcohol spray, dish soap solution spray, and submerging the entire plant in dish soap solution for 18-24 hours.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
Plants in semi-hydroponics are treated just like others - full concentration, wet all exposed plants surfaces and drench the pot. Repeat two more times at 1-week intervals.