Happy to report that I finally moved the 2 I was too scared to move before + one more that I purchased after

No issues with any

I used the advice received here to dry them out for a bit before putting in the new media - I left them for a day to dry out - well, as much as possible in the soup that passes for air in the summer here at any rate. This seems to have done the trick. I would have thought that maybe they were the sturdier ones since this does not happen with all of the ones I repot for the first time, except that they were all catts - which are generally the ones I had problems with in the past - and also one of them was a catt aurantiaca and every single one of this species that I moved for the first time had this exact issue. First one died - which is why I wanted to buy another one just like it, except I kept on getting different varieties - yellow, spotted, etc. I think I have all of the varieties there are of this thing

Until finally this last one is the plain one that I initially killed and wanted to replace. On principle of course

Each one of the 4 I have from before and the one I killed had this issue, except this last one that I allowed to dry out. So I think this might work as a preventative solution. I am also ordering some of the probiotics to pick up on my next trip to the us - which should be in October